March was actually a really slow month for us. The weather was mostly cold and windy and we didn't get out a whole lot. We did participate in our cities annual fishing derby though, which the kids loved. So I thought it was worth going back and posting about. Every March a fishing derby is held at a park by our house and every year we go (I think this was our fourth year) and every year we don't catch a single fish. :( It's so crazy. I really thought this might be the year, but nada. Our nephew was staying with us for a few days while he was on track break and he actually caught a fish which was very exciting. It was so fun to have him stay with us...the kids had a great time. Here are the pics...

and seriously two of the sweetest boys ever :)...

We didn't do anything for St. Patricks day...but
here's a cute picture of Em doing her homework
with her clover headband on that she made at school.
It's all I have to document the holiday. :)
I love this show. Seriously, I just love cuddling up
next to Dave on the couch...listening to him crack
up at absolutely everything Simon says. It makes me happy.
We really have fun watching it together.
Emily loves it too. I record them for her
so she can watch her favorites the next day...
(kris and matt are her faves by the way).
Here's a picture she drew of herself on Idol someday.
I love it...
That picture makes me laugh so hard...that she actually wrote "You're going to Hollywood!" So funny. Does she like bouncing contestants just like her mom? :)
I love Emily's pic of her! She's a cute kid! You need to catch a fish, next year, I'm saying!
I love the picture of Emily wearing her St. Patrick's Day headband while doing her homework. :)
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