Anyway, Eden is actually almost 7 months old now (she will be on Jan. 2) but I've had this post saved in a folder for a couple of weeks now, so better late than never, right?
So here's all about Eden at 6 months old! I wanted to write a few things about her at this age...for posterity.
At her 6 month check up Eden weighed 18 pounds and was 27 inches long. (I know...she's big. Dave and I are big we have big kids. It really shouldn't be so surprising! :) )
This month she's figured out a lot. She started sitting up at about 6 1/2 months...and it's so nice now she can sit on a blanket with a pile of baby toys and be content for like hours. O.k., not hours...but at least a few minutes while I'm doing the dishes or making dinner which is so nice for me! She is a great eater...and even likes the baby food peas and green beans which my other kids both hated from the beginning. Hopefully this sticks! She sleeps mostly pretty great and now shares a room with her big sister! Which Emily thinks is awesome. Eden is super smiley and happy and content and I feel like such a lucky mommy!
Things Eden loves: Her brother and sister. Looking at herself in the mirror (she loves her reflection almost too much! I don't want her to be getting a big head already 'cause she knows she's so cute. j/k) Me and Dave. Being held. Eating, I mean reading, books. Chewing on the drawstrings of my hoodie jackets or the drawstrings of her own pants. :)
Things that make Eden sad: Being left alone for too long (thanks to Emily and Justin this hardly ever happens...she almost always has company.) Having to wait too long for mommy to make her rice cereal as she sits in her high chair. Her car seat...she's never been a big fan. And finally...when mommy takes those delicious drawstrings she's been happily chewing on away from her.
Here are a few photos of Eden at 6-months...

Finally sitting up! It took her awhile to figure this
out. She was always so wiggly and would topple herself over.
out. She was always so wiggly and would topple herself over.
Like in this picture...
(Emily caught her just in time)
Her first Christmas!

This video is pretty funny. My friend lent us this bouncer and Eden just loves it. As you can tell from the hysterical laughing of Emily and Justin...Eden is definitely our main (and our most favorite) source of entertainment in the house!
Her first Christmas!
This video is pretty funny. My friend lent us this bouncer and Eden just loves it. As you can tell from the hysterical laughing of Emily and Justin...Eden is definitely our main (and our most favorite) source of entertainment in the house!
We just can't get enough of this baby!