So our January was awesome. We took advantage of the gorgeous weather (most of the month the temps were between 65-70 degrees) and spent a ton of time outside. We took a couple of day-trips to some cool places in our area, did a lot of bike riding, and spent a lot of time at the park.
Oh, and Eden had her first bubble bath...
Like I said, this month was awesome.

Day-trip #1: Lake Las Vegas
Pretty cool...
are staring strait into the sun. If you notice Emily is literally
holding her eye-lids open for the picture...and Justin is doing the
smart thing and just looking the other direction.

throw in...she just saw that I was about to take a picture of her
and she pulled this pose really quick. She's funny like that.
Day-trip #2: Hoover Dam
Very cool...
(Justin hasn't seen the movie, but he has a picture
book based on it so he knows all about how the U.S.
government hid Megatron in Hoover Dam until he escaped
and was eventually "befeated" by the Autobots.)
Dave and I would never get family pics if it weren't for
people like you...we never like to ask. :) )

parallel to the dam. It is gonna be so freaky to drive
across when it's done! We can hardly wait.
We took this picture of the same bridge two years ago.
It's kind of cool to see the progress...
They've had so much fun riding...

told her she was 7 and needed to learn how to ride without them.
I expected it to take awhile for her to figure it out...but she
learned within half-an-hour. Dave and I were so proud.
(The whole stopping and starting thing can still be a little tricky for her though.)
We took A LOT of trips to the park this month.
Here are a few pictures from just one of them.