Some background...I was planning on waiting until Eden was just a little older to start eating solid food (she's 5 1/2 mo. right now.) But she has just been so interested in watching us eat lately...her eyes would follow every movement of our utensils while we ate and she would lean forward like she was just dying to try it too. So Dave talked me into it and we went as a family to buy the baby food together. Her first meal was a big event in our family...we were all crowded around her high chair eagerly anticipating her reaction to her first taste of real baby food. Emily and Justin were just so excited...I thought it was pretty sweet! So we started her out with rice cereal mixed with apple juice, followed by sweet potatoes. She loved it you can see (videos are down below.)
Her very, very first bite (you can tell because
she's not messy...yet)
I know she looks messy, but I was honestly
surprised at how much of the food actually
made it in her mouth. So many times babies
push everything out when they are first trying to
figure out how to eat. She was a champ!

Loving it...

I have some pretty funny videos of her eating
at the bottom of the post too.
(and yes I realize none of this is nearly as interesting or
entertaining to others as it is to us...but I just love documenting
these moments :) )
Emily lost her very first tooth while getting ready for bed a few nights ago. This has been a long time coming for her. Most of her friends and cousins have been losing their teeth for awhile. She's had to be very patient!
too hard to read. But I want to document it anyway.
She got a big kick out of it. :)
We made Thankful Turkeys for family night this week.
The kids had a fun time tracing their own feet for the body and
their hands for the feathers.
They wrote what they were thankful for on each feather.

I am glad wishes come to life, I am glad I am safe. I love Jesus.
Here are some other recent pictures of the kids...
Eden, Emily, My backyard, playing golf.
Here are some other recent pictures of the kids...