We aren't going to be able to make it to our ward's trunk-or-treat this weekend, so we celebrated Halloween this past weekend by going to my sister's ward's trunk-or-treat which luckily for us took place a week early. :) So I thought I'd take all my kid's Halloween pictures and post them before the rush next week. :)
Unfortunately my camera died just a few pictures into the actual trunk-or-treating, but here are pics from before we left of Emily, Justin, and Eden...all ready to celebrate...
Emily was a scary witch...
(check out the green nail polish, that was a very important part of the costume for her.)
(Emily had her witchy poses down, but we couldn't think
of anything for Justin to do so we told him to try the double-thumbs-up.
Astronauts do stuff like that, right?)
Another thumbs up...
(Her favorite, Snow White.)

And here is the beautiful Princess blowing on a dandelion...sweet. :)

Emily's super dramatic...
This picture cracks me up, check out how wide open Eden's mouth is already...
she really like apples.

And here is the beautiful Princess blowing on a dandelion...sweet. :)
Emily was so excited when she realized she could be the mean witch from Snow White that gave Snow White the poisoned apple. She thought it was cool the costumes could go together.
Emily's super dramatic...
she really like apples.