I've noticed that this blog has kind of become the Eden show. I didn't mean for that to happen, but she is the literal "baby of the family" and her first year of life is going by so fast...I want to document every moment of it. Believe it or not, I am actually holding back when it comes to all the things I want to post and say about this baby. :)
She is about to be 10-months-old, but I haven't documented her 9th month yet. So here are some pictures and tidbits of and about Eden at 9-months.
She's as happy and sweet as ever...
One thing Eden loves is playing with and chewing
on Dave's ties. She just sits there during church
and chomps away on the smaller length of Dave's tie while he
holds her every Sunday (he's a very nice daddy).
It seriously makes her the happiest baby ever.

to crawl. I think it helped with her practicing because
she started crawling the day after this picture was taken... :)

Eden had another first this month. She was really sick
for the very first time which was really heartbreaking for us.
She had an ear infection and was pretty miserable for a couple of days.
Check out her sad face...
Check out her sad face...

This was also her first time ever playing with a balloon,
and it actually cheered her up for a little bit!

before church a couple of weeks ago...
(Eden was way better at holding still than silly Justin!)

I left a bowl of her oatmeal a little too close to
her high chair one day and she grabbed it from the counter
while I was gone for a minute and proceeded to make this mess...
(I was wondering why it was so quiet in there)

Eden is really enjoying crawling and is getting faster everyday.
She loves crawling under the table...

bathrooms (yucky, I know). I think she likes the
slapping sound her hands make when she's on the
linoleum. She also loves to bee-line it to the fireplace
every chance she gets. Why are kids always
drawn to the most dangerous, weird places!?
One more thing...the seperation anxiety has really
started kicking in for Eden this month. I know that
it is very normal for this age, but it's still been kind of
a bummer. She gets so sad and nervous almost every time
someone besides our family tries to hold her. She smiles
like crazy at everyone around her as long as she is in my
arms, but if someone tries to take her...forget about it.
There are times where randomly she is just fine, but in
general she is almost guaranteed to get at least a little sad.
I guess Dave and I will have to say bye-bye to dating for
at least a little while. :(
She sure is worth it though!!!
She sure is worth it though!!!