So, I would say this blog is 99% about our kids...there might be a picture of Dave and I here or there...but really, it's mostly about the kids. For good reason too, they are way cuter, funnier and more interesting than we are. At least I think so. Not to say I don't think Dave is cute or funny or interesting, I totally do! But when it comes to know what I mean. :)
So, for today I have a post that is 100% about us. Not one picture of Emily, Justin, or Eden in it. But I have good reason for that too! Dave surprised me last week with a short, late anniversary trip to Catalina Island!!! Well, he almost surprised sister accidentally let the cat out of the bag a couple of days before...but it counts. I really love surprises!
So here we are, Catalina Island!
The sun came out right as our boat pulled in and it couldn't have been more perfect...
Our first picture there, taken right after we got off the boat...
I'm a total nerd, but I had to show pictures of our hotel. It was so beautiful and nice.
We ate breakfast every morning overlooking the ocean from the little dining area in the picture to the right...
The grounds...
The flowers...
(really, I could have taken a million pictures of the flowers, there were so many beautiful ones!)
The trees...
The Beach!
So beautiful and relaxing...
(The water was fr-eezing, but the wetsuits helped and it was AMAZING!)
(I think I gained 10 pounds on this trip...there were so many fabulous places to eat and everything we tried we loved. This little cafe had out of this world salads and sandwiches.
Besides eating here we had amazing Mexican, Seafood, and Italian...)
O.K., this is one of the coolest things I've ever done...this zip line just opened up in Catalina about three months ago and it was awesome. So fun and scary and thrilling. I'll probably post a video some other time, for's a dorky picture (of me) taken right before...
This is a terrible picture, taken right into the sun...but it shows one of the platforms we zipped on to and off was so beautiful and scenic there...
Like I said, one of the coolest things I've ever done.
We also went mini golfing, did a couple of boat tours and one bus tour,
a little hiking, and even went out to a movie.
This last picture basically sums up the whole trip up for me...I was so happy to spend time with this wonderful man...he really is my best friend and I am so lucky to be married to him. I had the time of my life and am so thankful for every second we get to be together.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!